How To Have The Best Coachella Experience

Coachella 2022 is right around the corner, scheduled for April 15-24. This two-weekend world-famous music and arts festival is being headlined by Rage Against The Machine, Travis Scott, and Swedish House Mafia so far. Other artists will be announced soon. If 2022 will be your first Coachella experience, you’re going to want to be prepared. Here are our best tips to help you have the best Coachella experience possible!

Confirm Your Reservations

Before you hit the road and make your way to your Coachella accommodations, be sure to confirm your reservations. You don’t want to show up to Coachella with no place to stay!


Coachella is held in Indio, California, under the glaring sun. Nothing is worse than getting dehydrated at a festival, so be sure you’re drinking enough water to keep yourself healthy and hydrated! If you start feeling overheated, dizzy, or dry-mouthed, it’s time to get out of the sun. Map out the medical tents and water stations as soon as you arrive, so you know where to seek help if you or your friends need it.

SPF To The Rescue

California is known for its cloudless, hot, and sunny days. Be sure to pack and liberally apply your sunblock (50SPF minimum) every few hours to ensure your Coachella experience isn’t ruined by a blistering, lousy sunburn. Don’t forget the back of your neck, shoulders, and ears!

Comfort Is King

Instagram is littered with photos of stunning, strappy, and skimpy Coachella festival fashion. Don’t let those pics deceive you! You’ll want practical, comfortable clothes and shoes. Indio is located in the desert, so temperatures drop steeply after the sun goes down. Be sure to pack light layers so you can enjoy the experience after dark!

Merch Tents

If you plan on buying Coachella merchandise, be sure to make the merch tents your first stop on day one. You’ll avoid 45-minute waits in the lines at the end of the night.

Pick Your Meeting Spot

Cell reception is notoriously bad at Coachella, so you’ll want to plan your meeting spot upon arrival, as well as designate meeting times. You may not be able to use your phone to contact your friends, but you’ll still want to use it to take pictures and keep track of time, so don’t forget an external battery charger.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

All-day fun in the sun does not mix well with alcohol. Pace yourself and save the booze for after sunset. Indio’s average April temperature is about 87 degrees, but it’s not unheard of for temperatures to reach the high 90s.

Pack The Plugs

The music at Coachella is deafening. Don’t risk damaging your hearing! Pack your earplugs and USE THEM! Concert earplugs won’t muffle the music but will lower the decibel level to a safe range.


Festival port-o-potties are gross, and Coachella’s are no exception. Bring some toilet paper, wipes, and hand sanitizer to ensure you can maintain your hygiene!

Med Ready

The dry desert of the festival grounds makes for one dusty experience. Be sure to pack your allergy meds, inhalers, and eye drop so you won’t be miserable.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be sure to have a fantastic Coachella Experience!