Music And More

The Beginning

Music was at the very beginning of the history of the world and has influenced all major civilizations. All musical practices in the early world are related to the religion and culture of the day.

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras lived in ancient Greece and is known for developing the theory of Pythagoreanism, in which numbers have a mystical meaning, and was the first known proponent of a system of music theory. One of the earliest known compositions was the Song of Sol; a composition based on a Greek melody, Citharoedus Love Song, which became the basis of the first modern dance.


How Music Changed Things

Rocks that were sharp but a little bendable, like a geode, made into jewelry by Native Americans. To the Aztecs, the hollow cylinders of the hummingbird trumpet were thought to be an element that could bring wealth and good fortune to the person who owned them. More recently, the inscriptions on the cylinder of the Irish lullaby song “Sweet Adeline” hinted at the Catholic religious nature of that tune, and how it was sung as a lullaby.


Throughout history, various cultures and groups have held music in high regard, and some even revered it as a gift from the gods. In some cases, it was music that drove a people’s social and economic transformations. The Persian Empire made much of music, and what they created was said to rival that of the Europeans in skill.


The Power of Music

Every day millions of people listen to music or watch a performance that was recorded in the studio. The power of this form of expression is incalculable. From rock and roll to rap, hip hop to classical, electronic music to folk, music influences and communicates the culture of an entire country.


While the entire world listens to a multitude of different music, each country and culture’s taste in music and its importance cannot be understated. Music affects the world in so many ways and it is always a piece of culture. One important part of that is how we interpret it and how it reflects the world we live in.


Why Music Matters

We all enjoy it, but is there a place for music in our everyday lives? Let’s take a look at the history of the world’s favorite pastime, music, to see why music plays such an integral role in our lives.


The notion of music as a universal language, the need for music therapy, why it’s so important to teach music to children, and of course, jazz.


One of the Founding Fathers of Jazz, Thelonious Monk said, “Music, at its best, is both personal and communal. It’s a language of rhythm, melody and harmony that should be shared.” This sums up why music is so important to all of us. It can be an individual practice in a private setting, or a communal experience in a public arena.


For many of us, music is a tool for communicating, meditating, and bringing people together.


The Electrifying World of Electronics


The world is changing faster than ever before. The age of information and knowledge has given rise to a new era where anything is possible. In this world, electronics are essential for everything from entertainment to education. As the landscape of electronics has changed, so has how we use them.


Just as the huge numbers of consumer electronic devices out there change regularly, so do the equipment they can be used on. There are now a myriad of audio and video devices available to suit any niche interest or hobby – from connected ‘smart’ audio accessories and speaker systems that connect wirelessly to one’s iPhone, to state-of-the-art music gear for discerning listeners.


Preston’s Music & Electronics has anything you need and more!How Music Has Influenced the World Throughout History